Sunday, July 5, 2009

Great Tea Party after police shut down road

What a great Tea Party we had yesterday - and that after receiving word the night before that the police were going to shut down access to the street where we lined both sides of the road with protestors and their varied signs, no doubt hoping to leave us out of sight of ABQ, and thus leave us preaching to the choir. If so, it was a very enthusiastic choir.
Thousands gathered to send the message that enough is enough for the outrages of this administration and congress, both on the local level and the national level. Our Spirit of '76 board showed the names of hundreds more who were with us in spirit, but unable to be with us in person. postcards were sent to our senators and congressmen, governor and local councilmen.
When our founding fathers held the original Tea Party so many years ago at the Boston Harbor, the future was affected for generations to come. It was an act of revolution to throw that tea into the water (thus ensuring that THIS nation would be coffee drinkers, not part of the tea drinking, mistreated, British empire of that time) and courageous men stood up to the challenge of the day and let themselves be heard - NO to your taxes, King George.
A direct descendant of Patrick Henry led us in the Pledge of Allegiance at the ABQ rally, and with the same spirit as our founding fathers, we stand up now to say NO to Cap and Trade, NO to endless government stimulus plans, NO to a congress that doesn't even have the decency or sense of honor to read the bills that they foist on the American people.
We look forward to the next event. Keep your eyes on the website: for more.

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